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Wednesday, April 30, 2008
General Joe Rant #3

Don't Lose the Faith

Everyone needs to remember, though, that Phil is 21 years old. We need to remember the level of domination that he exhibited throughout his minor league career. We need to remember that this is the same guy who was essentially our best starter from September 1 through the (short) postseason. More importantly though, Phil needs to remember that.
When you are as talented as Hughes is you don't simply lose that talent between October and April. When the talent is there, there are 3 things that can get in the way of being successful - 1. mechanics, 2. approach and 3. injury. As we have heard nothing of an injury I believe we are talking about the first two in Hughes' case. If either (or both, in Phil's case) of these things are off it will get in the way of the talent providing success.

Both approach and mechanics are far easier to repair at AAA than with the big league team. We need to send Phil down and let him work these issues out without the pressure of being in front of 55,000 fans at the stadium, without the pressure of facing an amazing lineup like the Tigers, and without the pressure of trying to carry his load to help the Yankees win.
I have no doubt that Phil will be able to work out his issues. I am still supremely confident that choosing to keep Phil over trading for Johan was the right move. I am still quite certain that Hughes will be an ace in the Yankee rotation for many, many years to come. Everyone has warned that there will be growing pains and that it will take patience...this is exactly what they meant.
Phil Hughes Needs to be Sent Down
- 9.00 Era
- 2.14 Whip
- .362 BAA
- 1/1 Strikeout to Walk Ratio
- Lefties are hitting .410 against him
Those numbers are worse then Tyler Clippards 6 game stretch last year. What's even more concerning is the lack of competitiveness. Right now, Phil isn't competing and while I strongly believed that you had to give these kids 10 starts before doing anything I fear he could be lost if the carnage isn't stopped now.
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Where are the Walks?
Only 1 regular has OBP above .400 (Matsui)
A-Rod - .343
Abreu - .327
Giambi - .325
Jeter - .300
Cano - .217
The Yankees as a team have been out-walked on the season 90-85.
In addressing what is going on with the Yankee O so far this season no one has really talked about how poorly the Yanks are doing at working the count and taking walks. A staple of the Yankee offense for years, the Yanks have excelled in the past at getting the starter's count up and feasting on a team's middle relief.
While our average with runners in scoring position needs to improve, if we get back to working the count I think we'll see a vast improvement in our offence.
New Bullpen Add
0.87 ERA, 0.77 WHIP
31 IP, 18 hits allowed
6 walks, 27 strikeouts
.170 average against, 0 hr allowed
Who is this, you ask? Why it's the Yankees' new long man out of the 'pen.
As we previously discussed Ross Ohlendorf is not a long man (though he has been used as such). Neither are J. Albaledejo, Hawkins or Farnsworth. When we get the inevitable 2 inning clunker from Moose we will need to have someone in the 'pen who can go 4 or 5 innings at a clip. Based on the above numbers, Darrell Rasner absolutely deserves the chance to show he can do it.
Darrell has had fair success in the bigs in parts of 3 different season. He posted an ERA+ last year of 111 in 24.2 innings and is absolutely tearing up AAA. As the Yanks need a long man/spot starter I think it's time to cut our losses with the failed Hawkins experiment and give Rasner a chance to succeed.
Impressive Start For Kennedy
What made the start feel uncomfortable was the fact that Ian could not throw any of his secondary pitches for a called strike. When he did throw a curve or change the pitch was either a ball, or the batter made contact with it.
Of his 105 pitches, Kennedy threw 80 fastballs and 25 off speed pitches. Among the 25 off speed pitches there were 3 foul balls, 1 base hit and 3 ground outs. Of the remaining eighteen, sixteen (or 65%) were called balls...only 2 were either a called or swinging strike. TWO!
As a very good hitting team, the Indians had only to ignore everything but the fastball and they were a safe bet not to be burned.
There are 2 things we can take away from this data: 1. Kennedy needs to do a better job with his curve and change up, but more importantly 2. Even at 89-91, Kennedy's fastball is an exceptional pitch that can get big league hitters out even when they know it's coming.
I'm very confident that we will see Ikky able to get much more production from his curve and change than he did vs the Indians. Once he does the stud we all know he is will emerge.
Monday, April 28, 2008
The Melk Man Delivering
Leading the Yanks with 5 HR and behind only HMat with a .506 slugging percentage, Melky is showing exactly the kind of growth one would hope from a 23 year old in his 3rd major league season.
My feeling is that Melky could very well grow into a Bernie Williams. Comparing Melky and Bernie's 1st 3 years -
Bernie Year 1 - .238/268/.350, Year 2 - .280/.354/.406 and year 3 - .268/.333/.400 (AVG/OBP/SLG).
Melky has put up 1. .280/.360/.391, year 2 - .273/.327/.391 and .291/.356/.506 so far in year 3.
It's not a huge stretch to project Melky with career numbers very similar to Bernie's .297/.381/.477.
Bernie is in my top 3 Yankees of all time if not #1. On the field he was a high average, good power switch hitter with a very good OBP and an ability to hit in pressure situations. Off the field he was a classy, smart extremely high quality person. I hope to see his #51 in monument park sometime this year.
While it is very early, it's a very good sign that Melky is developing in much the same way Bernie did.
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Jeet hit a bullet up the middle which very easily could have been a game winning hit. Unfortunately the ball bounced off the side of the mound and ended up an inning ending double play.
As Jeet was walking up to the plate I was wishing for a squeeze. We had our best bunter at the plate, 2 very good runners on base, and needed only 1 of those runs to get the ball to Mo. Maybe not a suicide squeeze (though with Jeet you could), but a safety squeeze in that spot seemed the perfect way to score the run and stay out of the DP that we were unlucky enough to hit into.
With all the talk about JG being a 'National League Style' manager, I was thinking that was a perfect time to show it.
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Phil Mushnick is a Total Idiot
In yesterday's Post (NY Post, not blog post) Mushnick is at it again spewing his usual ignorant, hateful crap in the direction of the Voice of the Yankees. The only points Mushnick brings up in his article are based on John making an "it is high..." call when the ball is not a home run. Travesty!
I am certainly not alone in my loathing of Phil Mushnick.
While neither am I a fan of the broadcast work of Joe Morgan, he said the following about Mushy -
If I were someone that let my anger get control, I would fly into New York, find out where you live, run my rental car into your front door, punch you with my fists until you lost all your teeth, shave your head and legs, and make you apologize for being so rude and bald.
This country was founded on the right to Free Speech, but it’s a right that you should only use when you know what you’re saying, and you can say what you’re saying with some authority. Otherwise, you should just be quiet and let smart people talk.
Wow - nice job from Joe on this one! While he makes absolutely no salient points (I should be surprised?), Joe M does a nice job in pointing out 2 things - 1. Mushnick needs his ass kicked, and, 2. He's an absolute idiot who has no clue what he is talking about.
The outrage against Mushnick isn't limited to baseball and its announcers, though. For years Mushy has actively campaigned against pro wrestling and its fans. He...well, watch this and you'll get the point -
This guy is obviously a little 'over-the-top', but his point is valid. I'm not a wrestling fan, but to call the millions and millions of people who are, stupid rednecks who do a bad job of raising their children passes the point of arrogant elitism by a wide margin.
In one article Mushnick wrote of Steven A. Smith -
Could it be that Smith's urban street-hip brotha yak which he seems able to turn on and off with the drop of a Kangol is supposed to appeal/pander to young, urban, street-talkin' sports fans?
Deadspin felt forced to react to this column with -
We usually try here to avoid the rantings of fundamentalist Christian stick-in-mud New York Post media columnist Phil Mushnick. He seems to be living in a world that's different than ours, one where all television executives are apparently closet kiddie porn enthusiasts. But we couldn't help but notice his newest column, in which he hammers ESPN "personality" Stephen A. Smith so relentlessly that it kind of weirded us out...
Regarding the same column, Can't Stop the Bleeding said -
The Mushminded One would have you believe that that Smith's spiel requires a Jive Translator a la "Airplane." Which isn't just an exaggeration, it's a full-fledged slur.
There is an old saying - Those who can't do, teach. I'm gonna take that saying one step further - Those who can't do, teach; those too stupid to teach, critique. Mushnick has no appreciable skill other than to negatively critique other people's work. And because he is too stupid and never done any of them himself, is unable to teach others the skills he is critiquing.
Mushnick is the worst kind of bigoted, racist, ignorant, arrogant creep - one with a stage and an obvious grudge against people who do the things he wishes he was talented and smart enough to do.
Jonathan Sanchez, Part II
In 5 games (and starts) Sanchez is 3-1 with a 3.21 ERA. More impressively he has struck out 36 batters in 28IP. Granted this is taking place in the NL west where games take place in parks like Chavez Ravine, Petco and PacBell, but his obvious swing-and-miss stuff is making him look like a nice young pitcher.
Friday, April 25, 2008
Yanks Using Ohley All Wrong
When the Yanks got Ohley from the Diamondbacks for the Tiny Unit he was a AA starter. His K rate had declined dramatically from the year before, but the Yanks started him at AAA anyway. He proceeded to get bombed.
In order to get his head straight the Yanks moved him into the AAA bullpen where he almost immediately gained 4-6 MPH on his fastball and was seemingly a different pitcher.
Ohley's brief Major League career has been a tale of 2 pitchers - when pitching less than 2 innings Ohley has logged 9.1 innings allowing only 3 ER and striking out 14. When asked to go to 2 innings or beyond he has allowed 10 ER in 13 IP.
What we need to do is begin grooming Ohley to take over for Joba once he moves to the rotation. Move him into the slot just behind Joba for now and let him start to gain confidence in the role he is best at. In order to allow Ross to be limited to 1 inning, the Yanks need to call up Darrell Rasner who has been lights out in AAA this year to be the long man/spot starter.
Hopefully General Joe recognizes that Ohlendorf is being used the wrong way and corrects this quickly.
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Reality Check
According to the East Valley Tribune, Orlando Hudson, a free agent at the end of the 2008 season, will be looking for a contract that would pay him close to $15 million per year. The Diamondbacks have been trying to work out a possible extension with Hudson's camp since late in 2007, but the sides remain too far apart to suggest that a deal between the two can be reached.
(emphasis added)
That's Orlando Hudson - he of the 60 home runs and 331 RBI in his 6 year CAREER before 2008. The same Orlando Hudson who has never hit .300, has an OBP of .342 and slugging percentage of .430 over 6 seasons.
I really hope this is a typo and Hudson is looking for $15mm over 3-5 years. If not that guy is in for a rude awakening!
A CC Sighting!
Finally a good start from CC last night - 6ip, 2bb, 11k, 0er. Hopefully this is the start of him leading my team to victory!
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Beckett Scratched
The Pope Likes Jesus & Some Divine Intervention
Who'd a thunk it? The Big Man flies all the way from Rome...and yet he takes time to talk about rising Yankee catcher/DH Jesus Montero, currently batting .359 at Charleston.
"I find it moving to recall that Jesus, as a young boy, heard the words of Scripture and prayed in a place such as this," the Pope said.
Didn't catch the context. I think he was referring to Stan's Sports Bar, across from the House that the Book of Ruth Built. His Highness also mentioned the Yankees.
"Since its beginning, New York has stood as a beacon of religious tolerance and celebration."
Damn straight. We had Mike Kekich and Fritz Peterson, and nobody said a thing. That's tolerance. Way to go, Pope!
From PeteAbe-
My understanding is the Pope left a note on Joe Girardi’s desk telling him not to pitch to Manny Ramirez with first base open. He also thinks Joba should be a starter.
Monday, April 21, 2008
Same OLD Yankees?
Along with the commitment to youth I hoped for more of a merit-based system of managing the players and the opportunities they receive. We have seen that with Bruney as he has clearly jumped Kyle and Hawkins in the depth chart, but will the other spots on the roster follow merit-based assessments or will the New Joe act more like the Old Joe and give spots and opportunity to "proven" guys?
The following roster moves would show us that times have changed;
Gonzalaez over Betemit
Gonzalez is clearly a better backup player at this point then Betemit. He simply fits our needs better. He provides outstanding defense in the middle of the diamond and some speed for late inning pinch running spots. Betemit provides mediocre defense and power. He is a better fit on a team that needs some offense and his best positions might be first base and third base where we are loaded with candidates (Ensberg, Giambi, Duncan when he returns, Posada).
Duncan over Giambi
Giambi might still come around at the plate but his days as a first baseman are over. So how long will he keep getting regular at bats while Duncan either sits on the bench or destroys AAA pitching? Duncan deserves a shot to show whether he can sustain the power he flashed last year.
Gardner over Damon
I don't believe Johnny Damon is completely finished, but I think his days as an elite player are over. I think he is going to be a sub .350 OBP guy with about 10 home runs. Also, his defense in LF is average and his arm is extremely weak. So how much value does that have? Matsui makes more sense as the everyday LF. That would free the DH role up for Giambi and Ensberg. You could also play Posada at DH once a week to lessen the load and keep him fresh. If you are looking at a fourth outfielder, a player with game changing speed and superior defense adds a lot more value then Damon would. You could sub late for Matsui and have a weapon late when you need a steal in a big spot.
Alabadejo, Edwar, or Patterson over Hawkins
Latroy has been terrible and if he continues this for another couple of weeks the Yankees might want to seriously consider cutting their loses. I think his Yankee career was doomed the moment he trotted out opening day wearing number 21. I don't agree with the booing, but sometimes there are bad omens early in a players Yankee career that you must recognize (ala the Randy Johnson camera incident). So while Latroy has shown bad karma and even worse pitching, Jonathan, Edwar and Patterson have done enough to warrant a longer look.
If the Yankees made the above moves I think they would be a younger, deeper, faster and more versatile team. Also, the players moving in have more upside and would offer more roster flexibility when a Jeter quad or a Posada dead shoulder happens. So will the new Yankee thinking move a step further and make some of these moves? Or will we continue to go with the proven and potentially less talented team? I hope the New Joe is different and we see some of these moves made for the better of the team.
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Losing is NOT OK

Saturday, April 19, 2008
Thoughts on Phil - Mechanical Issues

Friday, April 18, 2008
This is NOT a big Start for Hughes
The Post - Phil is Falling Fast
From Peter Abe - Big Game for Phil
The Daily News - Phil looks to Mow down O's(Actually pretty calm and not overly dramatic)
The truth of the matter is this is not a big start for Phil. He could pitch to a 6 era the rest of the year and still blossom into an ace. We might all be disappointed in the outcome this year but it really is not a death sentence to his future ability to grow into an Ace. It might take two years before we really know what we have in Phil. The question is if it takes that long will he stick around?
General Joe Rant #2
The guy is hitting like .800 vs us, higher against Moose, and had already cost us a game over the weekend. How flipping hard is it to make the decision that we are not going to let him beat us?
Every lineup has one person that should not be allowed to hurt you - with Fat Papi hitting half his weight, Manny is obviously that guy. Unless it's Mo, The Beast, or bases loaded late in a tie game, Manny has been so hot that we either plunk him in the arse (NOT behind his head, Farnsy!) with the first pitch or put 4 in the dirt without hesitation.
Might not have made a difference last night, but certainly we would have had a much better chance at winning if Manny had simply been handed 1st base.
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Bullpen Thoughts

Assuming 6 innings from our starters, General Joe has an enviable wealth of arms from which to choose for the last 3 innings of a game.

In the 7th, Hawkins, Bruney, Traber and Ohley have all shown to be very reliable in the early going. Additionally, provided he is used correctly (one inning only, no back-to-back appearances, etc...), even Farnsworth has shown flashes of effectiveness.
The depth of the Yankee relief corps is damn near embarrassing. At SWB are the following relievers -
Jose Veras - 7ip, 10k, 2er
Chris Britton - 7ip, 7k, 0er
Edwar Ramirez - 7ip, 11k, 0er
Jonathan Albaladejo - 7.2ip, 7k, 0er (includes 2.2 ip, 4k, 0er with Yanks)
Scott Patterson - 5.2ip, 4k, 2er
Heath Phillips - 9ip, 7k, 2er
At least 4 of these pitchers could/would be on the majority of other team's major league rosters and be extremely effective.
With the game essentially over once getting the ball to The Beast in the 8th, the depth and quality of 7th inning candidates should make most games 6 inning affairs.
Your First Place NY Yankees
Even with the shelling CMW took last night, there were good pitching signs in the game. The Hawk calmed things down with 2 impressive scoreless innings. In his last 5 appearances, Hawk has 7 ip, 4h, 0er, 5Ks - 5 of those shutout innings have come against the Red Sox allowing only 2 hits.
Brian Bruney looked awesome in the 8th last night hitting 97 on the gun and generally looking dominant.
Hopefully Moose can continue his rebirth and keep the Sox in check long enough for us to put a whoopin' on Joshy Blister tonight.
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
How Hard Can it Be?

The guy with a hedgehog attached to his face playing 3rd base for Boston was 2 feet from 2nd base. All he has to do is get the ball past the pitcher and he has a guaranteed hit. Who knows - maybe if he does lay down a few successful bunts against the shift teams will be forced to stop using it against him!
Maybe I'm wrong, but if your true goal is to help the team and the opposition is giving you a base hit, LAY IT DOWN!!
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Piazza Measured for Pinstripes?
While his throwing ability is somewhere between Johnny Damon and Jason Giambi, Piazza is a very adept game-caller and has shown an ability to work well with young pitchers.
Many reports have Piazza close to signing a deal with the Cincinnati Reds, though others are stating the Reds want more of a 'catch and throw' guy for the position.
What it comes down to is how long Jorge and Molina will be out. Chad Moeller is obviously not a long-term option, but if either backstop will be back within a couple of weeks there is really no room for Piazza on the roster.
With the play of Alberto Gonzalez up the middle and Morgan Ensberg able to play either corner infield spot I believe Wilson Betemit's days in Pinstripes are close to over (Pink Eye? Couldn't they come up with anything better than that?). Should Jorge and Molina return the question then becomes who gets the last roster spot - Piazza or Shelley Duncan? While Shelley is no Ozzie Smith at any position in the field, any Mets fan will tell you that Piazza at 1B or the outfield is truly not an option. Shelley's versatility and energy make him my choice.
(Hat tip to Sliding Into Home)
"It was nice to be able to work up a sweat"

The result? 6+ solid innings by Ikky, 15 hits, 4 home runs and 8 runs scored.
Look for more of the same tonight.
Monday, April 14, 2008
Boston Still Owns April
2007 1-5
2006 0-0
2005 3-3
2004 1-5
2003 0-0
2002 1-3
2001 3-4
2000 0-0
Total Record 9-20 in April.
Simply put, when the Sox and Yankees meet in April the Red Sox win.
How about when the games really count(Aug/Sept)?
2007 5-1
2006 1-3
2005 3-3
2004 3-3
2003 3-3
2002 4-1
2001 6-0
2000 3-1
Record in Aug/Sept, 28-15.
I know I would rather it this way...let them own the games early but late in the season, close to playoff time when we can get inside their heads, I want to win.
So calm down Yankee fans this is the way its supposed to be and really, would you have it any other way?
Yes, Phil Phranchise has looked like the second coming of Sr Nervous (Jose Contreras).
and Yes, the team has looked old and lifeless.
I'm here to tell you, though, it's no time to panic.
Thus far the Yanks have played series in NY, KC and Boston; places where the average 7pm local temperature has yet to exceed 45 degrees. I firmly believe that this is a major contributor to the terrible start of both TM and the offense. Hughes grew up in SoCal and started every season prior to this one either in the Gulf Coast League, the South Atlantic League or the Florida State League. The game-time temps of his starts have been 42, 46 and 46 degrees. Not only are there no viable options to replace him, but even discussing removing Hughes from the rotation is totally premature. Every game is a learning experience for Phil, and I expect he will learn these lessons and start pitching very well shortly
I really think that starting tonight in Tampa, under the dome, we will see a much more explosive Yankee offense, and some much better pitching to go along with it.
In terms of panic, 2 things to keep in mind -
1. Detroit. I picked the Tigers to win 101 games this year. When I did this I was well aware that their pitching was a big question mark, but figured they would have a team ERA somewhere around 5. Assuming 950 runs scored (5.86 per game), I thought they'd steamroll lesser teams but make a fairly early exit in the playoffs. Seeing as how they'd have to go 99-51 to win 101, I'm gonna be pretty far off in my prediction. This is a team, like the Yanks, with far too much talent, however, to continue playing this badly. Remember, 2-10 is a lot worse than 6-7!
2. A ho-hum start is nothing new for our Bombers. Since 2002 our record after 13 games has been -
2002 8-5
2003 11-2
2004 6-7
2005 5-8
2006 6-7
2007 7-6
2008 6-7
In only 2 of the past 7 yeas have the Yanks been over .500 after 13 games, and we have obviously made the playoffs each year. A game and a half out of first on April 14th is not a problem.
The 2 pitchers we count on the most have been very good - Wang has been unreal, and Andy was great in his last start. Moose has pitched far better than we could have expected, and once he settles in and the weather warms, The Messiah will again live up to his nickname.
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Offensive Slumber Continues
I am not crazy about Matsui directly behind ARod because he runs so hot and cold but right now Cano doesn't look ready for it. Let Giambi play against soft throwing righties and keep Damon away from the top of the lineup. He is no longer a good hitter and combine that with the fact that he can no longer field and you have a player who is no longer any good , the end.
General Joe Second Guess #1
He's one of the greatest right handed hitters of all time, you have first base open with 2 out, and you let him hit a double up the gap?
Hopefully this is a learning experience for Joe G. and he won't make the mistake of asking Moose again.
Evolution of an Ace

Last night we got a first hand look at the results of all his work. Wang threw a lot of four seam fastballs which resulted in a lot of flyballs. Also, he featured some sliders and changes. He can get away with a four seamer because of his outstanding velocity. Most sinkerballers can't maintain his type of velocity and this is what separates him from your typical sinker baller. According to the pitch data he has actually increased the percentage of fastballs this year from 76.4% last year to 82.1% this year. The difference is the type of fastballs. We are seeing his traditional turbo sinker and the good hard four seamer. He has also learned how to run it over the inside corner to lefties (the strikeout pitch to Ortiz was a thing of beauty). Simply put he has expanded his repertoire and can get people out more ways then he used to. That is a sign of a great player and a good sign that he might be able to maintain a very high level for years to come.
Friday, April 11, 2008
Yanks - Sox
1B - Youkilis vs Giambi -Both are likely to put up OBP over .400, but Giambi should do it with power. If he could stay healthy the edge would go to the Yanks; Edge Sox
2B - Cano vs Pedroia - Despite the rantings of certain on-air personalities about how much of a 'winner' and 'gamer' Pedroia is, Cano is in the upper echelon of second baseman behind only Chase Utley. Edge Yanks
3B - Lowell vs A-Rod - Lowell had a career year last year which he is unlikely to repeat. A-Rod had a monster year last year which he has a chance to repeat. It's really no contest. Edge Yanks
SS - Lugo vs Jeter - Even hurt Jeets takes this one easily. Edge Yanks
C - Varitek vs Posada - Varitek's last 2 years: 2006 - .238 12 HR 55 RBI, 2007 - .255 17 HR 68 RBI. Jorge's past 2 years: 2006 - .277 19 HR 71 RBI, 2007 - .338 20 HR 90 RBI. Duh - Edge Yanks
LF - Manny vs Damon - Manny is in his walk year and has a lot to prove after a somewhat (by his standards, anyway) lackluster 2007. Damon has vowed to prove he's still one of the top players in the game, but Manny is one. Edge Sox
CF - Ellsbury vs Cabrera - At this point in their careers, Melky is more of a known quantity than is Ellsbury...keep in mind, however, that Melky is a FULL YEAR YOUNGER. Melky is hitting .320 with a .400 OBP. Ellsbury is on the interstate at .176 with a .300 OBP. For now - Edge Yanks
RF - Drew vs Abreu - It being his walk year, Bobby A is on the precipice of a monster season. JD Drew is...well, disinterested. Drew was miserable last year and I don't see anything to suggest that will change. Edge Yanks
Game 1 Starter - Buchholz vs Wang - CMW has been lights out so far this year sporting a 2-0 record and 1.38 ERA, while Clay "Lap-Top" Buchholz gave up 4 runs in 6 innings in his only start thus far. Given that this is The Cat Burgler's first taste of Yankee/Sox rivalry, and that CMW rocks - Edge Yanks
Game 2 Starters - Beckett vs Mussina - Moose looked great in his last start, and Beckett has been slowed by a bad back since late in spring training. Every person in Bristol has anointed Beckett the MLB standard against which every 'Ace' should be measured; I don't buy it. Until 'Joshy Blister' can do it in back-to-back seasons I consider him very much like his ex Marlin teammate AJ Burnett - tons of potential, but still a question mark. Edge Sox
Game 3 Starters - Maszuzaka vs TM - Dice-K has been worth every penny of the $7 trillion Theo (The Boy Wonder) spent on him last year. 3 starts, 18ip, 22Ks, 1.47 era. His problem, though is that he is going up against The Messiah. Phil's last start was one to forget about, but as he proved in the postseason, he shines under pressure. While many would disagree, Edge Even
Closers - Papplepuss vs Mariano - First, calling Papplepuss better than Mariano right now is like saying Joba is better than Goose Gossage...it may become true (doubtful), but we're a long way from knowing for sure. A-Rod has got to be in Papplepusses head a little, and no one gets in Mo's head. Edge Yanks
Set-Up - Okajima/Delcarmen/Lopez/Corey vs Joba/Ohley/Farns/Hawkins - While none of us are happy having Farns on our list, the fact is that Joba makes our 'pen so good that it is hard for anyone to match up. Add to it that Ohley's been throwing 94 mph bowling balls and - Edge Yanks
The Yanks take 6 of 8 positions and the bullpen, and the starting pitching is a wash (eh... maybe slightly toward the Sox' favor). If only to make a statement I hope we go up their and kick their tails.
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
The Good, The Bad and the Ugly
Wang looks awesome. In winning half of the Yankee's games so far The Wang has shown no ill affects from his post season meltdown against Cleveland. A heavy sinker, good velocity and has even shown a better than usual k/9 ratio of 5.54.
Matsui is off to a nice start hitting .357 with 2HR and 6 RBI.
Bobby A - .379BA, .438 OBP
Bruney - 3 games no ER and NO WALKS! Maybe there IS something to this 'in-shape' stuff!
The Beast - 1 hit and 4 Ks in 4 IP, future staff Ace, but current bullpen dominator!
Mo - 3 games, 3 saves 1 hit and 4Ks...just Mo being Mo!
A-Rod - Before the dreaded 'Golden Sombrero' yesterday, Alex was at .320 with a .930 OPS; not blistering, but definitely contributing
Melky - His .294 average is overshadowed by his .400 OBP.
Molina - Seems to hit the ball hard every time up.
Ohley - A 3.86 ERA is ok, but he sustained a bunch of that 'taking one for the team' in yesterday's 3 inning stint in the loss
Moose - 2 starts, a 3.09 ERA; I'll take it
Farnsworth - 2.70 ERA, 3.1 IP, 5 Ks
Traber - 2.1IP, 4 Ks 0ER. Looks unhittable vs lefties so far
The Bad
Cano - .188, 1 RBI 0 walks
Damon - .200 avg, .294 OBP, 0 SB
Hawkins - 7er in 14ip
The Ugly
Betemit - 2 for 13 with 7 Ks, he looks lost at the plate right now
Giambi - 1 for 14...ouch!
Jeter and Posada - Each are out with injuries that we have no idea how long will take to heal.
No Grade
Hughes - 1 good start, 1 bad...I have a feeling that the weather has something to do with his poor outing yesterday vs KC, but we can expect more of the same (inconsistency) at least in the early going from the majors' youngest starting pitcher
Kennedy - It was a bad one, but I'm not gonna grade a kid on 1 start
Overall the pitching has been fair and the offense terrible. Sounds like 4-4 to me.
A-Rod to Short Would be a Mistake
At 4-4 due to an anemic offense, the Yanks are not exactly tearing the cover off the ball. The last thing we need is A-Rod worried about trying to make the temporary transition back to shortstop. We have seen what can happen when a player is too worried about his position in the field and the effect it can have on their offensive performance, and taking anything away from A-Rod's O would add to an already big problem.
In addition to the offensive issue, moving A-Rod back to short might significantly hurt the Yankee defense as well. By his own admission A-Rod has not even taken a grounder in practice at SS for 5 years. While he was one of the best in the league 5 years ago, and while he probably wouldn't have an issue moving back there, it is, again, not a chance worth taking.
Call up defensive whiz Alberto Gonzalez and allow him to hit at the bottom of the order until DJ returns.
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Game 7 Notes
Even though the offense scored 6 runs last night, there is a developing trend worth worrying about. The Yanks saw an average of just 3.25 pitches per at bat last night allowing Hammel to throw just 88 pitches through 6 innings. The typical patient approach at the plate has been mysteriously absent so far this year. Definitely something to keep an eye on.
Robbie Cano took a 1 for 4, but hit the ball much better than the box score indicates. Based on his at bats lately I expect he will break out very soon.
Matsui is hot to start the season. Could this be the year he puts it all together from start to finish? Stay tuned...
Jeets' quad should only keep him out of a few games according to Gen. Joe. If it is going to be more than that I hope the Yanks disable him so it can fully heal before he gets on the field again. I think it's important to get any nagging injuries totally out of the way so that they do not linger throughout the season. Also, Wilson Betemit looks lost at the plate right now, so I would consider bringing Gonzalez up to play SS while DJ is out.
The Messiah vs KC's Bannister tonight...should be a good game.
Sunday, April 6, 2008
Offensive Slumber
Saturday, April 5, 2008
Ikky was...well, Ikky
The one thing you can take away from his terrible performance is that it was completely due to a lack of command that he did so poorly. If Ian had his control and got smacked around it would concern me a bit. The fact the he couldn't put any of his pitches where he wanted allows me to chalk it up as a night where he just didn't have it.
I think we'll see Ian perform much better Wednesday at KC.
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
A-Rod Saga is Over
I wonder how much longer the media will try and make a story out of this? It is no longer one. A-Rod is officially a Yankee.
Melky Love Returns
I understand why some say this season might have to be sacrificed while our young pitchers get settled (especially in the postseason), but the energy of Melky, combined with the promise of The Big Three, should be a lot more fun to watch over the next 10 years then another high priced mercenary.
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
2008 Predictions - Baseball Version
AL East
Yankees 97-65
Red Sox 91-71
Blue Jays 89-73
Rays 82-80
Orioles 52-110
AL Central
Tigers 101-61
Indians 95-67 (WC)
Twins 84-68
Royals 81-81
White Sox 75-87
AL West
Mariners 92-70
Angels 90-72
Rangers 81-81
A's 75-87
East - Phillies
Central - Cubs
West - D'Backs
WC - Mets
AL Playoffs
Mariners over Tigers
Yankees over Indians
Yanks over Mariners in 5
NL Playoffs
Phillies over D'Backs
Cubs over Mets
Cubs over Phillies in 7
WS - Yankees over Cubs
Cy Young-
AL - Rich Harden
NL - Johan Santana
AL - A-Rod
NL - Derrick Lee
Trade 1 Bloggers FLB
I send Bill Hall and Huston Street to Bronx Blockers for Curtis Granderson and Ted Lilly.
As I had Street, J. Soria and B. Wagner, I could afford to trade a closer, and with John Lackey on the DL I needed another starter. With K's/9 and XBH as stats I like Lilly and Granderson a lot.
What do you think?